Peer Reviewed
Peer Reviewed
- Olson J..K., Larson S.E., Robertson F.C., Miller H., Morrigan A., Berta S. and Calambokidis J. 2024. Utilizing long-term opportunistic sightings records to document spatiotemporal shifts in mysticete presence and use in the Central Salish Sea. Front. Conserv. Sci. 5:1401838. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2024.1401838
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- Smultea, M.A., F.C. Robertson, and D. Fertl. 2022. Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) mother-calf pair behavioral response to vessel in the Southern California Bight. Aquatic Mammals. 48(6): 690-692 DOI 10.1578/AM.48.6.2022.690
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- Wright, A.J., C. Araujo-Wang, J.Y. Wang, P.S. Ross, J. Tougaard, R. Winkler, M.C. Marquez, F.C. Robertson, K. Fawcett Williams, and R. R. Reeves. 2020. How ‘blue’ is ‘green’ energy? Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 35(3): 235-244.
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- Robertson, F.C. and A.W. Trites. 2018. Ecology, archaeology, and historical accounts demonstrate the whaling practices of the Quileute Tribe in Washington State. Sea change? New directions in marine mammal research, The SAA Archaeological Record, 23-30
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- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, J.R. Brandon, T.A. Thomas, and A.W. Trites. 2015 Correction factors account for the availability of bowhead whales exposed to seismic survey operations in the Beaufort Sea. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. 15: 35-44
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- Smultea, M. A., J. Brueggeman, F.C. Robertson, D. Fertl, C. Bacon, R. A. Rowlett and G. A. Green. 2016. Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) behaviour near icebreaker operations in the Chukchi Sea, 1991, Arctic. 69(2): 177-184
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- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, and A.W. Trites. 2016. Behavioral responses to seismic operations affects density analyses of bowhead whales. Marine Ecological Progress Series. 549: 243-262
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, T. Thomas, W.J. Richardson, B. Wursig and A. W. Trites. 2013. Seismic operations have variable effects on dive-cycle behavior of bowhead whales in the Beaufort Sea. Endangered Species Research. 21: 143-160
Technical Reports
- F.C. Robertson, D. Giles, A. Frayne, D. Noviello, and B. Dykens. 2024. NWAC RRT 10 Southern Resident Killer Whale Deterrence Task Force final report. Pp 71. Download the report here
- San Juan County. 2024. State of the San Juan County Marine Stewardship Area. Prepared on behalf of San Juan County Marine Resources Committee. Pp126 (F.C Robertson was lead author of the report). Download the report here
- Robertson, F.C. and K. Smith. 2022. Exploring protection priorities for Southern Resident killer whale foraging areas along the west side of San Juan Island. Department of Environmental Stewardship. Pp 202. Download the report here
- Robertson, F.C. 2022. Elevating eelgrass protection in the San Juan Islands: Final Report for PEW Charitable Trusts. Pp. 62 Download the report here
- Robertson, F.C., D. Giles, T. Shedd, K. Smith. 2020. The Whale Warning Flag: Introducing a social prompt to improve boater behavior around the endangered Southern Resident killer whales. Final Report for the Marine Mammal Commission. 64pp. Download the report here
- Robertson, F., Wood, J., Joslin, J., Joy, R., and Polagye, B., 2018. Marine mammal behavioral response to tidal turbine sound, Final technical report for DE-EE0006385. Download the report here
- Women In Marine Mammal Science Initiative. 2017. Women in Marine Mammal Science: Breaking down barriers to success. Workshop Report. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Canada. (F.C. Robertson was a co-author of the report) Download report here
- Wright, A. Robertson, F. Cosentino, A.M. (eds) 2016. Incorporating new mitigation technologies into guidelines for seismic surveys and other underwater acoustic activities: Producing performance standards. Marine Species and Threats, Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. Download the report here
- Wright A.J. and Robertson F.C. (eds) 2015. New mitigation methods and evolving acoustics exposure guidelines. Report from the European Cetacean Society Conference Workshop, St. Julian, Malta, European Cetacean Society Special Publication Series No. 59, 74 pages Download the report here
- Robertson, F.C. 2015. Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) for marine mammal detection during seismic surveys: A summary of performance and effectiveness. for SMRU Canada. 26pp
- Trites, A. W. and F.C. Robertson. 2014. Response to questions regarding Renker’s conclusions and fur seal commercial trade. for The Quileute Indian Nation, c/o Foster Pepper PLLC, and The Quinault Indian Nation, c/o. Nielsen Broman and Koch PLLC. 48pp
- Trites, A.W., and F.C. Robertson. 2014. Distribution and likely availability of whales, dolphins, porpoise, and fur seals in the offshore waters of Washington State in the 1850s. Report prepared for The Quileute Indian Tribe, c/o Foster Pepper PLLC, 1111 Third Ave, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA, 98104 and The Quinault Indian Nation, c/o Nielsen Broman & Koch PLLC, 1908 E. Madison St. Seattle, WA, 98122 pp 44
- Holst, M. and F.C. Robertson. 2009. Marine mammal and sea turtle monitoring during a Rice University seismic survey in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, August 2009. LGL Rep. TA4760-3. Rep. from LGL Ltd., King City, Ont., for Rice University, Houston, TX, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia Univ., Palisades, NY, and Nat. Mar. Fish. Serv., Silver Spring, MD. 66p. Download the report here
- LGL Ltd. 2008. Cetacean stock assessment in relation to exploration and production industry sound. Rep. from LGL Ltd, King City, ON and LGL Alaska Research Associates, Anchorage, AK, for the Joint Industry Program of the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers. LGL Report TA4582-1. (M. Gilders & many co-authors, including F.C. Robertson).
- Pierpoint, C. and F.C. Robertson. 2008. Marine mammal observations during a 3D seismic survey of the Claire field, carried out by CGG Veritas for BP. 29p.
- Robertson, F.C., J. Agee and A. Gill. 2007. Marine Mammal Observer’s Report: A 3D Seismic Survey, Walker Ridge III, Gulf of Mexico. Rep. From Marine Team Offshore Ltd, North Devon, UK, for CGG Veritas. 78p.
- Robertson, F.C. and J. Griffiths. 2006. Marine Mammal Observer Report for Shell EPE, Gannet 4D Seismic Survey, North Sea, Project no. 2006026/F2098. 5p.
PhD Thesis
Conference Presentations
- Robertson, F.C. and A.W. Trites. 2017. Historical whaling hunting in Washington State: New insights from archaeology, ethnology and contemporary ecology. 25th BC Marine Mammal Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
- Robertson, F.C. and A.W. Trites. 2017. Historical whaling hunting in Washington State: New insights from archaeology, ethnology and contemporary ecology. 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, NS
- Robertson, F.C. and A.W. Trites. 2017. Insights into Quileute whaling activities from archaeology, ethnology and ecology. SAA 82nd Annual meeting, Vancouver, BC
- Robertson, F.C. 2015. Effects of seismic operations on bowhead whale behaviour: implications for distribution and abundance analyses. National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Seattle, WA
- Robertson, F.C. 2014. A distance sampling approach to determining how seismic survey operations affect bowhead behaviour and distribution in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. UBC Fisheries Centre Applied Ecology Seminar Series, Vancouver, BC
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski and A.W. Trites. 2014. The effect of variable detectability on density assessments of bowhead whales during seismic survey operations in the Beaufort Sea. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, T. Thomas, W.J. Richardson, B. Würsig and A. W. Trites. 2012. Seismic operations affect bowhead whale behaviours and sightability in the Alaskan Arctic. Zoology Graduate Student Symposium, UBC
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, T. Thomas, W.J. Richardson, B. Würsig and A. W. Trites. 2012. Seismic operations affect bowhead whale behaviours and sightability in the Alaskan Arctic. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK
- Robertson, F.C. 2011, The Bowhead whale in the age of oil, 15th Annual NW Student Chapter Meeting for the Society of Marine Mammalogy, University of British Columbia.
- Robertson, F.C. 2009. The effects of industry activities on the distribution and behavior of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Alaskan Arctic. 13th Annual NW Student Chapter Meeting for the Society of Marine Mammalogy, Western Washington University.
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski and A. W. Trites. 2015. The effect of variable detectability on density assessments of bowhead whales during seismic surveys. 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, St. Julian, Malta. Download the poster here
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, T. Thomas, J.R. Brandon, W.J. Richardson, B. Würsig and A. W. Trites. 2013. A question of availability: Seismic survey sound effects the visual detectability of bowhead whales. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage AK. Download the poster here
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, T. Thomas, J.R. Brandon, W.J. Richardson, B. Würsig and A. W. Trites. 2012. A question of availability: Seismic survey sound effects the visual detectability of bowhead whales. 13th International Conference of the American Cetacean Society, San Diego, CA. - Honorable Mention Download the poster here
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, T. Thomas, W.J. Richardson, B. Würsig and A. W. Trites. 2011. Seismic sound affects the dive-cycle behaviour of bowhead whales in the Alaskan Arctic. 19th Biennial Conference for the Society of Marine Mammalogy, Tampa, FL. Download the poster here
- Robertson, F.C., W.R. Koski, T. Thomas, W.J. Richardson, B. Würsig and A. W. Trites. 2011. Behavioural responses of bowhead whales to industrial seismic activities in the Alaskan Arctic. Zoology Graduate Student Symposium, UBC
- Robertson, F.C., A. Mackay, and S. P. Northridge. 2005. The effects acoustic deterrent devices on harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Orkney, 19th European Cetacean Society Conference, La Rochelle France.